Monday, December 3, 2007

On My Way

My nephew Jimmy says the email is gone. Completely useless. May not work again for weeks, if ever. He's spitting furious at Ron Paul, but now I almost admire the man. From what Jimmy says, his hordes are unstoppable. Utterly invincible. Complete desolation. Oh, for the days.

Jimmy is also angry at me for admitting that I didn't know who Ron Paul was. He says everyone who has a blog has to know who Ron Paul is. OK, fine, so now I know. But that wasn't enough. "Uncle," he says, "you're an important world leader. I want you to go to the United States. I want you to meet with the people who are running to be President."

I told him no. I just don't travel as much as I used to. So then I'm telling all this to my good friend Asashoryu, and Asashoryu says, "Temujin, it is a wonderful idea. You should do this. I will go with you, it will give us time to spend together."

So I agreed. Jimmy and Asashoryu will make all the arrangements. They say all I will have to do is talk to the candidates and make an endorsement. At least I will get to spend some time with an old friend.

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